
Do you have any newsletters?

Yes, we currently have three newsletters, and they're all free! Great Stuff for Teachers is delivered twice a month and features seasonal and timely lessons, printables, tips, and activities tied to each grade in the K-12 range. Our Special Offers for Teachers newsletter is delivered 2-4 times per month and features free content for the classroom alongside exclusive educational deals. The DailyTeach newsletter connects historical and current events to the classroom curriculum.

I'm subscribed to a newsletter, but I'm no longer receiving it. Can you help?

Sometimes our newsletter may end up in your email provider's Spam or Junk folder, even if you've received the newsletter normally in the past. Check the Spam or Junk mail folder for our newsletter, mark it as Not Spam, then add hello at as a contact or friend (replace at with @-symbol); that way, your email provider will recognize the email address and newsletter as safe. If you're still not receiving the newsletter, contact customer service (

How do I unsubscribe from a newsletter?

To unsubscribe from a newsletter, visit our Newsletter Center: In the box for Current Newsletter Subscribers, enter the email address where you receive TeacherVision newsletters. Then, uncheck the box next to the newsletter you wish to unsubscribe from and click Update.

How do I sign up for a newsletter?

Visit our Newsletter Center: